
Your help is instrumental in advancing UP’s dramatic endeavor. Whether it’s your time or your generous monetary contribution, we are extremely grateful for your support.

UP THEATER COMPANY is a 501c3 non-profit organization.  As such, your donation – directly to UP – is fully tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Simply make your check out to UP Theater Company and mail it to:

c/o Laura Fois Bosley
60 Cooper Street, 2E
New York, NY 10034

If you prefer to donate securely online via PayPal, click the donate button below:

To stay up to date on all things UP, join our email list below.

Once you sign up, you will receive a confirmation email. Open the email and click “Confirm Subscription”.

Are you UP for it?

If you want to take part in the creation of Inwood’s newest theater company, there is plenty to do.

You can email us at info@uptheater.org if:

  • you want to volunteer

  • you have information on an available performance space

  • you want to be involved in productions

  • you have a play you’d like us to consider

  • you would like to donate

  • you have a brainstorm you’d like to share
